Monday, December 31, 2012

It's been a good ride but...

We are shutting down tonight.  This makes me sad but it was worth a shot.  The economy is bad, people just don't want to spend the extra money to support items made in America.  What really put the nail in the coffin was that more and more of my vendors were starting to have their products manufactured in China.  Again, it all goes back to the economy.  We still have a few items, mostly baby clothes and toys.  If you're interested in these email us at

Everyone have a wonderful New Year.  Now off to our next adventure.

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

I’ve not posted for a long time, so here is my year in review.  It’s been a hectic year.  We had our baby boy last January.  That was something that was very hard on me.  I never really thought that post-partum depression (PPD) would ever affect me.  It wasn’t really PPD, it was more post-partum anxiety (PPA).  It took about 10 months before I really started to feel like I was getting a handle on it.  Of course it helped that the biggest stress in our lives was coming to the end.  I still have episodes but they are getting further and further apart and I definitely have better coping skills.  One of the best things I've done for myself this year was to arrange time with a professional to teach stress handling and coping skills.  For someone like me, who tries not to take medication, this was best path.

The finishing of the basement has been an elephant on our chests for over a year.  Everything was like a big block puzzle where you have to move certain pieces all around the board before you get the picture.  But now it’s done (except organizing).  Finally, little Gibson got into his own bedroom.  That’s has definitely loosened things up around here too.

I’m closing down my website  One by one my vendors have started getting their items manufactured in China.  The economy is too poor for people to justify paying more for an item when they can get all the crappy ones for so much cheaper.  Besides, I’m homeschooling and have a baby in the house.  There is just not enough hours in the day.

Montana shot two commercials but so far, neither one has aired.  Oh well, she got paid just the same.  The experience has certainly given me insight on why movie stars think they are so important.  Everyone from the director to the cleanup crew tells you how wonderful you are all the time.  With so many people saying that, it’s almost impossible for the actors not to believe it.  I met two stage moms in my experience with Montana’s modeling.  They both had spent multiple years away from their husbands and other children to live in LA.  It’s not that they had a job already out there.  They were out there trying to get jobs.  I just don’t see how you can sacrifice your family for something like that.  Don’t get me wrong, I would spend multiple months on location with Montana, IF she already had the job.  But I would not go out there for the pipe dream, not when there is a very real family at home.  Montana also tried and disliked gymnastics.  She’s doing martial arts right now and seems to like it.  I have a feeling we’ll be back in dance before too long though.

Now that the basement is done, Bob has a bit of time to work on his own projects.  He basically built a house and he deserves a break.

Finally, my parents celebrated being married for 50 years.  What an achievement!  I love them both very much and I hope they have many more years to come.  So there it is, my year in review.

Now, I’m not one for resolutions but I’ve got a couple I want…no…NEED to do.   I’ve had a real hard time getting back into the groove of eating right and working out.  I NEED to do better at that this coming year.  Also, I need to utilize our parks and the cheap or free programs they offer.  There are things I want to do and these two resolutions will help get me there. 

I hope everyone had wonderful holidays and here is to looking forward to the New Year.